What? I am reflective ok?

WordPress reminded me that the end of this month marks my first official month of being a blogger – part of me thought that I wouldn’t be a blogger anymore after the first month because the initial excitement kinda died and then picked up again. (Friends and fellow readers help with this a lot!)

I was chatting to my bestest the other day, about expectations for this blog (and hers) and she mentioned that when she started the purpose was so different and that now she is just rediscovering herself. How awesome is that!

For me this has been an up and down process of what I want for this blog, and what I could possibly gain from it. Surprisingly the results are not what I had expected. I’ve learnt the following:

  • As much as parts of the “purpose” of blogging is for others, it’s also sooooo much more for you, a place to articulate feelings into words, to discover what you are feeling and what you are thinking about ON PAPER (in your head things seems so deurmekaar and all over), and for me once I have something on paper it’s as though I can release it into the world now – it can leave me alone, I can breathe it out like CO₂. Which for an over-thinker is relief!
  • Between days when I delete things that I think are important for me but am shy of for others, and days when I post things even though they are personal for the sake of one other perhaps feeling the same way – I’m learning the balance between doing things for acceptance and doing them because they are right for me.
  • Blogging is something I do for just me – mommy’s holler… no one else benefits from it in my household. Just me – and I quite enjoy it. I am learning to take the time out to do things for just me.
  • Blogging makes me question myself – sometimes tough questions, sometimes easier ones – not often enough with the easier ones though
  • I’ve figured out that part of blogging is reading other peoples blogs – which I am absolutely loving! Getting to know people I don’t really know – I’m sure you understand. Seeing others going through your own hardships… its awesome (not that you want other people to go through them it helps not feeling alone).
  • I still get a little happy when people come to me and say – oh I read your blog, you’re right, or I hadn’t thought of that… or something. It makes
  • Lastly – this list wasn’t supposed to be so long, I am also learning who I am again – and partially reinventing parts of myself (as per the bestest)… and more important than knowing who I am, I am learning to accept things about myself too – in a forced kinda refreshing way

With that – the end of my first month. I think I will be continuing for months to come!


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